Start your journey
We offer our merchants and their cardholders the ability to collect a receipt for any transactions they process.
The Pay Button function gives the merchant the ability to create an HTML link that can be embedded into HTML content.
The Virtual Terminal has been designed for merchants to use with ease when taking mail order or secure telephone payments.

Security Checks and 3D Secure
Fraud Prevention
Chargeback Reporting
Work Like a Pro.
Octalas Pay’s payment gateway accepts and processes all major card types. In a global marketplace with increasing cross-border spend from tourism and online transactions, it is important to offer end merchants the ability to accept all major card types.
Recurring Payments with Tokenisation
Velocity Checking
Advanced Technologies
24/7 protection against the largest DDoS attacks.
A DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack is an attempt to make an online service unavailable by flooding the bandwidth of a web server with huge amounts of traffic. DDoS attacks are becoming more prevalent in the news, with many high profile websites disrupted by these attacks.

Perfect for merchants and freelancers
Octalas Pay’s fraud prevention solutions help in preventing card transaction fraud from ever taking place.
Why Octalas Pay is the last and only payment integration you'll need.
The right payment gateway partner can mean the difference between success and failure in today’s shifting climate.
This is true whether you’re just getting ready to bring your software to market and need your first payment integration or you have a mature product with existing integrations.

The Value we Provide to Our Customers And Our Markets
We are an organisation, driven by values. A company which is run by its values is a company which will always achieve its goals. Given below are our values, we religiously believe in and strictly follow, at our work and in our life.